a.Cervical Rotation

Cervical Rotation:

1)   Place your thumbs on T1 and rest your hands on their traps.

2)   Ask the client to rotate their head to the right

3)   Cue your client with landmarks

These landmarks help your client understand whether they are limited on one side compared to the other. Here are the landmarks we ask our client to identify:

-Can you see my right wrist?

-Can you see my right elbow?

-Can you see my right shoulder?

-Can you see my hand? (Your left hand will be positioned on your right cheek)

-Can you see my hand? (Your left hand will be positioned on your nose)

-Can you see my hand? (Your left hand will be positioned on your left ear)


4)   Then perform the opposite when they rotate left

This serves as a great baseline for you and your client when comparing both sides. It also helps establish before and after results.

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